Exceptional quality without compromise

«Tuotown» knives are the chef's main tool and the secret of culinary excellence.


"Tuotown" – legendary knives that create masterpieces

Tuotown is the exclusive representative of professional kitchen knives made by the best craftsmen in East Asia using advanced European equipment and modern materials. They have perfect balance and fantastic sharpness. They combine centuries-old traditions and the latest developments. We also offer a wide range of related products.

The true beauty of a knife is its perfect functionality and visual harmony. This item has been accompanying man since ancient times: from the dawn of civilization to the present day. Throughout the history of mankind, he has been a faithful assistant, an indispensable tool and a formidable weapon. We offer Hi-end quality products at affordable prices to true connoisseurs of Japanese knives.

A distinctive feature of our online store are unique sales offers, product exclusivity, consistently high quality and favorable prices. We sell elite Japanese kitchen knives for professionals and amateurs. An extensive product line includes products for various needs and any budget - from cutlery to chef knives.

"Tuotown" knives are the main tool of chefs and the secret of culinary excellence


Everything you need to know about knives